Scores as pdf or printout?

will the scores for the concert also be available in printable form?

It's pretty hard to practice only with the online tool, as a complete overview over the piece is not possible, and if playback is stopped it jumps immediately to where I started.


  • You can use the blue cursor to move to any position in the score and start from there. Make sure you move the cursor within the blue area. Alternatively, you can also enter the seconds you want to start from in the little box next to the play button.
    We are a bit hesitant to offer print-outs as this is the way the part will be delivered during the concert. I will talk to the programmer of this web application whether he can create an option for a downloadable score. Currently, he is on vacation in Greece and it might still be a while until he gets back.

  • OK I got into it, using only the PC. I think this will be sufficient at the moment and I don't need a printout any more

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